While not teaching related, another passion of mine is raising my own peeps (both human and fowl). My human peeps are growing up right before my very eyes, and refuse to slow down. I just helped my oldest sign up for high school classes for next year. I'm not even sure how we got here so quickly. 😢 Next year will also be my youngest's last year with my at my elementary school. I'm not even sure what I'll do without one of my kiddos at my school!
My other peeps are of the fowl variety. We currently have 2 domestic ducks (Hybrid300 hens) and 10 chickens (a mix of Barred Rock, Buff Orphingtons, and one sweet, old Black Australorp). To top it all off, we now have 10 Mallard ducklings that we hatched from eggs! If you're keeping track of the numbers, that is a lot of fowl! They are the sweetest little things.
My peeps are my passion. 👨👩👧👦 🦆 🐓
